Remember In Memory of Bill Wolf

Chapter Board Meeting: 1st Tuesday, 7:00 PM
Chapter Membership Meeting: 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 PM Speaker: Don Harper,


Newsletter for Sacramento Valley's Chapter 500 of the Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc.

"We remember!" June, 2003 "Be Proud"

President's Message

In reflection of Memorial Day and the weekend's activities, it brings deep feeling back to my soul. In preparation for the big weekend, I lost some sight of what the meaning (my personal) of what Memorial weekend was. On Sunday morning after our color guard posted the colors and as the Names were beginning to be read, my meaning of memorializing the Veterans was clearer in my mind. As the day went on and as faces appeared of those Veterans I knew, Veterans I was meeting, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers of soldiers who have lost their lives in a faraway country, my meaning of Memorial Day grew. Into the night and by flashlight until the final name was read and up early to work with friends (members and not) as a team in decorating and loading the float with wheelchair Veterans, celebrities and singers, to hear the cheers from crowds of citizens as our Color Guard marched by proudly, meeting at the Bunker (The Torch Club) to smile and host drinks to old friends and for old friends. That is what Memorial Day meant to me. The remembering and sharing those memories with friends and families because their lost sons and daughters can no longer do so. To work together as friends, veterans and citizens, and smile at flag waving kids and their cheering parents and feel the pride of America. Because those lost mothers and fathers no longer can do so. To let our hair down, hug a friend and drink to you and drink to them, remember now and remember when. And because those lost men and women no longer can, we must do so for them.

Reach Out to our Veterans, those gone and those here.
Your President, Gregory C. McNeill

Current News and Announcements

Our speaker for the June 17th General Meeting will be our new Legislative Chair, Don Harper. Don is President of the California Association of Veteran Services Agencies and one of the founders of the Vet Resource Center. He will speak to us on the importance of supporting or objecting to legislation regarding veterans. Don was called out of town last month just before the meeting, but he will be with us for the June Meeting.


Thanks to all who made the 2003 "Reading of the Names" a success. We received many positive comments on the event and the Memorial Ceremony. Thanks are due also to those who worked on the VVA float for the Parade. The float looked great as well as all the members who participated. Formal thank-you's will be on their way soon for both events.


If you are interested in airplanes, the place to be is the Yuba County Airport on June 20, 21, and 22. This is where the Golden West Aviation Association will present the Golden West Experimental Aircraft Association Regional Flyin and Airshow. There will be special activities for youths, a warbird flyin, aerobatic airshow, a Saturday night balloon glow, way too much to mention here. You can go to the website: or call VVA member, Jerry Quint at 332-7752. There are also plenty of openings for volunteers to help and enjoy the show at the same time.

Check out some important events coming up on Page 2.