Marines, Former
Marines, families and friends of Marines celebrated the 227th birthday of the
Marine Corp with a ball held at the Folsom Community Center on December 8.
Those attending had dinner and danced to the big band sound of the John Skinner
The Guest of Honor and speaker was Sgt. Maj. Michael
"Iron Mike" Mervosh from the 4th Marine Division. Sgt. Maj. Mervosh
participated in many of the battles of WWII such as, Roi-Namur, Marshall
Islands, Saipan, Tinian, and Iwo Jima. He received two Purple Hearts and
the Navy Commendation Medal for his heroic actions in the battle at Iwo Jima.
While in Korea with the 1st Marine Division, he was awarded the Bronze Star and
a second Navy Commendation Medal while serving with "G" Co., 3rd Battalion, 5th
Marines. He served two tours in Vietnam with the 1st Marine Division and
was awarded his third Navy Commendation Medal and a third Purple Heart.
His date of rank of February 14, 1958 as a Sergeant Major made him the most
senior enlisted man of all the Armed Services.
The traditional ceremony of the cutting of the birthday
cake by the youngest Marine attending was observed with Joshua Allen, recent
graduate of Camp LeJeune cutting the cake.
All enjoyed VFW Commander, Ron Hornsby's rendition of
"The Eight Days of Creation" which was as follows:
In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was GOD. In the beginning was GOD and all else was darkness and bold without form. So GOD created the heavens and earth. He created the sun, the moon, and the stars, so that light might pierce the darkness. And the earth, GOD divided between the land and the sea, and these he filled with many assorted creatures.
And the dark, salty, slimy creatures that inhabited the murky depths of the oceans, GOD called sailors , and he dressed them accordingly.
And the flighty creatures of the air, he called airmen . And these he clothed in uniforms which were ruffled and foul.
And the lower creatures of the land GOD called soldiers . And with a twinkle in his eye and a sense of humor that only he could have, GOD gave them trousers too short and covers to large, and pockets to warm their hands. And to adorn their uniforms GOD gave them ribbons, and patches, and stars, and bells. He gave them emblems, crests, and all sorts of shiny things that glittered, and devices that dangled. When you're GOD you tend to do things in a big way.
And on the seventh day, as you know, GOD rested. And on the 8th day, at 0530, GOD looked down upon the earth and was not happy...GOD was not happy.
So he thought about his labors, and in his infinite wisdom GOD created a divine creature and this he called a MARINE. And these Marines GOD created in his own image, were to be of the air, the land and the sea. And these he gave many wonderful uniforms, so they could wage war against the forces of Satan and evil. He gave them service uniforms for their daily work and training, that they may be sharp and ready...
And he gave them evening and dress uniforms. Sharp, stylish, handsome things, so they might promenade with the ladies on Saturday night and impress the hell outta everybody!
And at the end of the 8th day, GOD looked down upon the earth and saw that it was good. But was GOD happy? No! GOD still was not happy. Because in the course of his labor he had forgotten one thing...He did not have a MARINE uniform! But he thought about it and thought about it, and finally satisfied himself in knowing that, well, NOT EVERYBODY CAN BE A MARINE....
Ah know those Marines.....
Despite sporadic rain showers, a steady stream of visitors came
to Barnes and Nobles in Roseville on November 9, to attend the book signing of
"Where we Were" by VVA500 member, Michael Kelley. Mike's book is a
"Comprehensive Guide to the Firebases, Military Installations, and Naval Vessels
of the Vietnam War - 1945-1975". The book is over 600 pages and well worth
checking out. Would make a great Christmas present for that favorite
Vietnam Veteran or history buff. Of course you may purchase the book at
Barnes and Nobles, Tower or visit Mike's website at
Along with Mike, Dugan Aguilar,
had a display of some wonderful black and white photos of Native Americans who
have served in many US wars. An event to honor those Native Americans that
have served our country in the military is being planned, see more about this